Cooking recipes

Basic French Macarons
-2/3 cup almond meal or ground almonds.
-1 1/2 cups powdered sugar.
-3 large egg whites at room temperature and preferably aged up to 3 days.
-5 tablespoons granulated sugar.
-1 teaspoon vanilla extract.

The basic meringue-style french macaron is merely the springboard for your wildest color and flavor combination. Always add the dry flavoring to the almond meal/ powdered sugar mixture and the extracts/ gel colot to the meringue.

1- Preheart the oven to 280 and two racks in the lower section of the oven. Line two rimmed baking sheets with parchment paper.

2- Place egg whites in the bowl and begin to beat. When the eggs are frothy add granulated sugar. Continue to beat the egg white until glossy and stiff peaks. Gently stir in the vanilla extract. Be careful to not overbeat the meringue.

3- Add half of the sifted almond mixture and fold in into the meringue using a flexible silicone spatula.

4- When the almond mixture is just incorporated, you will need to transform the batter into the appropiate texture. Using the spatula "punch" down into the center of the batter.

5- Pour batter into a pastry bag flitted with a 0.4 inch tip. On your pepared backing sheets, pipe out 1inch rounds in the circles you drew.

6- Holding the baking sheet, rap each baking sheet firmly on the counter two or three times. Allow the pipped macarons to dry, uncovered, for at least 15 minutes.

7- Place both baking sheets in the oven and bake for 15-18 minutes. After the first 2 minutes, open the oven to allow any excess of humidity to escape. The macarons are done when they are baked all the way trough and the shells are just hard.

8- When fully cooled, assemble the macarons with your choice of filling. The assembled macarons can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week.
      Bon appétit!
Egg whites: clara d'ou
Beat: batre 
Almond: ametlles
Frothy: espumosa
Baking sheet: paper de cuina

By: Irene and Ailen

Crêpes - Pancake

Ingredients (15-20 crêpes)

- 250 gr of flour
- 1 dessert spoon of sugar
- 50 cl of milk
- 50 gr of butter without salt
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla flavoured sugar
- 5 cl of water/cider/beer


First of all, we take the ingredients of the recipe. We add them one by one in a bowl, scrambling and making a liquid mixture. Just in case the mixture is too thick, you can add some more milk. After that, you let it cool for 2 hours in ambient temperature.

With the help of a ladle we serve a little bit of the mixture in the frying pan that was heated previously. We put a few of butter in order that it doesn't get hooked up on the frying pan. When the mixture is fried, we can remove it from the fire.

Before eating it, we can add the condiment that we want.

Bon Apetite!